Source Citations for Successful Genealogy - May 2024
In this online course, learn how to cite sources successfully and practice the whole source documentation process for genealogy, as well as study examples of different types of sources.
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Course Access: May 20 - June 16, 2024
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Before we begin ...
What Are Source Citations?
5 Elements of a Source Citations
Now What? Cite Seeing
Simple Tips for Solid Source Citations
Lesson 1 Quiz
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Types of Citations
How to Create a Genealogy Source Citation
Lesson 2 Quiz
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Creating Source Citations
Practice Examples
Easier Source Citation With Your Genealogy Software
Lesson 3 Quiz
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Source Citation Workflow
Creating Templates
Last Tips
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Our courses consist of four or more written lessons that may also contain videos, slide shows, and other elements. There are self-directed quizzes and/or exercises to help you apply your knowledge. In addition, you'll have access to discussion boards where you can ask your instructor questions about the materials during the course dates.
Instructor access for the duration of the four weeks, so you can ask questions about what you've learned
Our courses are designed to be easily accessible! Once you've registered for the course, you'll be able to log in on the start date to see all the lessons. Each lesson is available within your browser. You can work at your own pace.
All the materials will be available for download, and you'll have access to the course materials online for about a year after the start date. After the course end date, it will go into read-only mode, so you'll still be able to reach the materials, but you'll no longer have access to the instructor.
Please ensure that you have internet access and that your browsers and computer system are fairly up-to-date. The course materials are designed to be compatible with most devices.